About us

It’s simple. We have a team of people, who knows how it’s done.

We don’t claim that the customer is always right. We listen and ask questions.

We make suggestions and share our expertise. It’s a combination that always aces the test.

You feel the same?

Come with us.


We provide service in three languages: Polish, English and French. 

What do we do



The real world is not enough. Enter another dimension.

Can you imagine a world without Internet? It is similar to your company. And important element of communication is your presence online. Reach out to your audience. Take care of a transparent website, properly designed e-commerce system and your company's application. Make cooperation with you a pleasure. We will gladly introduce you to the operation of Google AdWords and show you  the secrets of positioning, so that you are even more accessible to those who are looking for you.



Forget about your company’s image. Take care of relations

When you hear “PR”, you think “image”. That’s normal. However it is not about the image. Most importantly it is about communication with your audience. It doesn’t matter whether it’s about your product, your company, or crisis management. Imagine your business relying on real, close relationships – no marketing lies and no bending the truth. How to do it? We will lead you step by step. We will support you in old media, as well as the new one. Public Relations can perfectly complement your marketing strategy, but most importantly it can me a planned and long-term way of communicating with the public.



Everything matters. Even your company font.

Image is everything. You know it’s hard to deny it. It’s the similar for your company. Shapes, colors, words; it all influences how your brand is perceived. It all can say more, than it may seem. Consistent identification – starting on the logo and finishing on the company font – is very important. Branding is a complex process, but we will gladly guide you through it. Together we will care for every detail of your brand’s identification, so that it reflects what you identify your actions with.



We want you to stand out. And we know how to do it.

Whether you promote a new product, or introducing a new brand to the market, you have to have a plan. You also need to know how to convince others. We will help you with that. We will help you in creating a concept, but also we will be with you every step of the way. We will support you with sales and management. We will develop methods and techniques to reaching your target audience. We will make your company identity consistent with the values ​​you identify with.


PR / Marketing

Joanna Strzelecka

Managing Partner

The heart and mind of Wide Vision. Commonly known as the boss or madam president. However, this does not stop her from creating branding analyzes and strategies by herself. Marketing enthusiast. Good marketing does not exist without her, and she does not exist without good marketing. Fortunately, there is also PR and communication, areas in which she feels equally great. Characteristics? Always with a dog.

Aneta Kłosińska

Project Manager

The boss's right hand. Responsible for contact with the client and support at every stage of the project. Reliable. She can handle even the most demanding customers. He watches over, supervises and reprimends. Of course, her colleagues, not customers. She is not afraid of crisis communication management. She specializes in social consultations, events organization and press conferences.

Aleksandra Milewska

Media Relations

Extra hand in Wide Vision. Has eggs in many baskets, but mainly hits the keyboard, producing a variety of texts. Besides that, engages in PR, so f the clients wants to set up their brand’s communication – she will be happy to do it for them. All of this based on notes made during conversations and meetings. As a graduate of American studies, the English language has no secrets from her.


Valentin Nogues

Art Director

Art Director? Master of Art? Or maybe just Maestro? He laughs when he hears those names. However, he is called so for a reason. The most difficult thing about working with him is to say whether what is more spectacular – what he creates or how he does it. He approaches each creation with remarkable accuracy, attention and precision. A graduate of the Paris School of Art at the Faculty of Graphics.

Agata Godz


Artist and graphic designer. She draws, paints and illustrates. She treats each project as an experimental space that allows her to combine her ideas and experiences with the client's vision. In addition to computer graphics, she also deals with animation and multimedia - films, presentations. She is a master of arts, a graduate of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, majoring in artistic education in the field of fine arts.



You want to start a project, plan a meeting or just ask a question? Write to us.


ul. Rolna 179 lok.19
02-729 Warszawa
+48 881 708 988


NIP: 521 35 98 165

Regon: 142865974


Sąd Rejonowy dla M. St. Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego,

KRS: 0000390779




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© Wide Vision 2020