K&K Day Spa & Hair Salon

Brand identification positioning the salon as a luxury place

Time spent in a Spa should be relaxing for the body and mind. At the end of 2018, K&K, a new, luxurious Spa salon, created a new beauty and wellness offer tailored to the needs of people looking for complex well-being services.

With the opening at the end of 2018, K&K decided to develop a professional Brand Indentity. The company decided to work with Wide Vision to get help in developing a brand identity that would reflect the experience of K&K customers.

The first challenge was to define the purpose of the marketing activities, and then start working on how to design a brand to attract customers’ attention. The second challenge was to make branding define the place as premium in order to meet customer expectations and promote the space at a higher level compared to similar places.

Range of activities:

  • – brand Identity,
  • – key visual,
  • – graphic design of marketing materials


We have worked on several concepts related to the spa and translated them into the language of the brand. The positive reception from our clients led us to implement the project in a sophisticated way, which was aimed at the female audience. The new image of K&K gained huge recognition from their clients.


You want to start a project, plan a meeting or just ask a question? Write to us.


ul. Rolna 179 lok.19
02-729 Warszawa
+48 881 708 988


NIP: 521 35 98 165

Regon: 142865974


Sąd Rejonowy dla M. St. Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego,

KRS: 0000390779




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© Wide Vision 2020