
Creating a website that would distinguish the firm among others

Yellowóz are professionals who handle film and photo sets. They have their hands full! They handle orders in terms of technical, equipment and logistics. From feature films, through documentaries, commercials, as well as social campaigns and photo sessions.

The agency had a chance to fully prepare a website for Yellowóz, from functionalities development, through graphic design and programming implementation. Wide Vision also made a professional photo shoot of the products and their post production.

The most important task was to convey the professionalism of the Yellowóz team by presenting them as reliable professionals in their industry. The website could not overshadow what is most important to them – their 20 years of experience. The minimalist design with characteristic yellow inserts perfectly reflects what the team has the to offer; their professional approach with character.

Range of activities:

  • – product photoshoot and postproduction,

    – website design with functionality development and implementation



During the pandemic, online visibility was a decisive factor for many businesses – including the movie set industry. Thanks to the refreshed website, they could still reach customers with their offer.


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ul. Rolna 179 lok.19
02-729 Warszawa
+48 881 708 988


NIP: 521 35 98 165

Regon: 142865974


Sąd Rejonowy dla M. St. Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego,

KRS: 0000390779




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© Wide Vision 2020